Version 2.13.5 (2020-10-03)

  • Fix performance for fast (<1s) answers in review
  • Add links to new Arabic help/manual translation
  • Add back button handling to changelog display
  • Add rate button to changelog
  • Add warning message to handle future db upgrades
  • Sync all translations from our volunteer translators (thanks everyone!)

Version 2.13.4 (2020-09-29)

  • Fix crash showing TagsDialog
  • Fix crash in gesture detection
  • Improve import interrupted error message
  • Fix scheduler counts after undo
  • Fix Card Browser preview after sort
  • Fix button display if answer animation incomplete
  • Sync all translations

Version 2.13.3 (2020-09-23)

  • Fix double-clicking answer buttons skipping cards
  • Change missing media warning to twice-per-session not twice-per-deck
  • Change answer button fade on open
  • Updated all translations from volunteer site up to 20200923

Version 2.13.2 (2020-09-19)

  • Fix Crash rare on Card Browser exit
  • Fix Crash Android 4.4
  • Fix Open Deck failures / improve related messaging
  • Fix messaging for Xioami cloze workaround
  • Move “set field language” after share on Note Editor context menu

Version 2.13.1 (2020-09-17)

  • Add cloze via clipboard paste workaround on MIUI/Xiaomi devices
  • Fix Navigation drawer respects safe display / disable animations preference
  • Fix Reviewer buttons respect safe display / disable animations preference
  • Fix Deck Picker bottom bar opacity
  • Fix Error message about missing content on cards
  • Fix crash selecting deck that disappears during sync

Version 2.13.0 (2020-09-15)

  • Field tag (such as “{{Front}}”) appearing in a note’s field will be shown as-is in cards.
  • Add Sync icon badge when changes are pending sync (can be disabled in options)
  • Add Edit Note from card Preview while in Card Browser
  • Add “Anki Card” to system context menu (like “Card Browser”) - disabled by default
  • Add Set keyboard language for specific fields in the note editor (example: one field Japanese, other field Portuguese for input).
  • Add Keep keyboard open after adding a note
  • Add Card properties available in JavaScript API
  • Add JavaScript API versioning for scripts (basis for future plugins)
  • Add Auto-Login when selecting saved user account
  • Add Allow import of collection.anki21 files when under SchedV1
  • Add New screen for first-time users
  • Add Button animations when answering cards
  • Add Note Editor: Add shortcuts Ctrl+(Alt)+Shift+C to add a cloze.
  • Fix Some cards in learning were not shown at the right time (Only if you undo/bury/suspend/reset/reschedule and the next card goes to learning mode)
  • Fix Selected deck has translucent background if a deck picker background is set
  • Fix Improved preview screens
  • Fix Better accessibility in Deck Browser for partially sighted users
  • Fix Improve visibility of “Add/Remove Option Group”
  • Fix Improved messages for sync rate limiting error
  • Fix Improved messages for reducing study limits
  • Fix Improved messaging when collection is missing media
  • Fix Improve feedback when accessing Debug Info
  • Fix Add additional warnings to reschedule dialog
  • Fix Whiteboard pen color can be disabled by pressing icon again
  • Fix Ensure all menu items in the reviewer can be customized by “App Bar Buttons” setting
  • Fix Scheduler discrepancy handling early interval on filtered decks
  • Fix Exports work when cards are missing media
  • Fix Crash due to logging.
  • Fix Toasts used to show one more card than the number of card actually reviewed during the time box
  • Fix Handle newlines properly in Note Editor Preview
  • Fix Improve AnkiDroid opening animation
  • Fix Show correct answer button when answering via Keyboard
  • Fix “New Cards Added” Statistic
  • Fix Crash when inserting a cloze when selecting text from right-to-left via keyboard
  • Fix “Show Password” icon revealing saved password
  • Fix Card browser still contains card after the app goes into background
  • Fix Daily unbury occurs during sync if necessary
  • Fix On big screen, buttons moved during loading
  • Translators If some text change because of minor changes (typos) you won’t have to translate it again
  • Performance improvements (specifically: initial loading of large collection (lot of decks, note type, card type, fields, long templates…), card browser, deck picker startup, next card view, undo, cancelling tasks such as computing a list of card in browser)
  • Dev: Massive dev workflow improvements and automated checks for our translations.
  • Dev: Implement backend for CSV Importer
  • Dev: Improve crash reporting on app startup
  • Dev: Massive improvement in testing, especially around scheduler / card queue behavior
  • Full Changelog here