Version 2.14.6 (20210309)

  • Reviewer: fix “my card is blank now with 2.14.5! help!” 😱
  • Reviewer: fix Android 8/8.1 review buttons disappear (finally?)

Version 2.14.5 (20210307)

  • We really appreciate the donations, they paid for these fixes 🤝
  • NoteEditor: Android 11 users can crop!
  • NoteEditor: Canceling crop twice won’t delete your image
  • DeckList: parent limits altered to match Desktop
  • DeckList: current deck saved as correct type
  • SchedulerV2: allow very small delays
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Android 8/8.1 answer buttons disappear. Use gestures as workaround.
  • Anyone with Android 8/8.1 that reproduces this and knows how to develop Android layouts? We’d love the help!

Version 2.14.4 (20210307)

  • Re-released immediately as 2.14.5 after release script issue 🤷😅

Version 2.14.3 (20210109)

  • The AnKing has graced us with a new intro video! 🤓
  • Still happily overwhelmed by the donations 💪
  • Reviewer: Fix mark note keyboard shortcut
  • NoteEditor: Fix to remove padding if removing formatting toolbar
  • Previewer: Fix to show same card after edit
  • Scheduler: Fix v1 scheduler completes deck when only learn cards due

Version 2.14.2 (20201202)

  • Wow! We are humbled by the donations 🤯
  • The resources are already going to contributors to improve the app! Thank you ❤️
  • Note Editor: Fix image crop not working first time
  • Note Editor: Paste image at cursor not end
  • Note Editor: Fix Ctrl+C opens preview
  • Note Editor: Add menubar toggle to disable editing toolbar
  • Home Screen: Fix Vivo device shortcut creation (again)
  • Reviewer: Fix numeric keypad not working
  • Note Editor: Fix cloze cards going to wrong deck
  • Navigation Menu: Fix safe display app hang
  • Preferences: Fix gestures menu translation / ordering issue
  • Translations: thanks translators! - you can help too!
  • Full Changelog here

Version 2.14.1 (2020-11-23)

  • Always free, always open source, but you may donate if you like 😊
  • Move sync button to right of action bar (vs search)
  • Fix duplicate note detection
  • Fix add deck shortcut on Vivo devices
  • Fix non-translatable ‘Card Info’ strings
  • Fix suspended card handling in filtered decks
  • Sync translations from volunteers on our site (thank you!)
  • Fix crash on mismatched WebView ABIs
  • Fix crash invalid filename handling while pasting image
  • Fix crash selecting cards in card browser
  • Fix crash Android 8 in card browser
  • Fix crash in undo labeling
  • Fix crash reset password when system browser not exported
  • Full Changelog here

Version 2.14.0 (2020-11-18)

  • Enabled Donations - we ❤️ you, now you can ❤️ us 😊
  • New Screen: Card Info (from Card Browser or as a Reviewer App Bar Button)
  • New Screen: Help - easy access to manual, many community pages/manuals, donation page, translations
  • Home screen: Add deck shortcut
  • Deck Options: SchedV2: Support setting “Hard Factor”
  • Card Browser: Add deck filtering
  • Card Browser: Filter By Flag
  • Card Browser: Adding cards defaults to selected deck
  • Card Browser: Many more keyboard shortcuts
  • Card Browser: Display the number of cards deleted when deleting a note
  • Card Browser: Better handling of deck searches containing wildcards
  • Reviewer: Basic Android TV Support
  • Reviewer: New Gesture: Abort Learning & Sync
  • Reviewer: Support AnkiMobile 9-area gesture touch layout
  • Reviewer: Improve “Empty Card” UX
  • Reviewer: Keyboard shortcuts for flags (Ctrl+1…4)
  • Note Editor: Editor Toolbar (& keyboard shortcuts) - hugely requested feature!
  • Note Editor Toolbar: Apply Custom Commands (& keyboard shortcuts)
  • Note Editor: Paste to Insert Image
  • Note Editor: Made fields full-width
  • Note Editor: Change Font Size for fields
  • Note Editor: Expand/Collapse Fields
  • Note Editor: Clear Field button
  • Note Editor: Ctrl+Shift+Num to switch fields
  • Note Editor: Improved image addition / naming
  • Note Editor: Add preference to convert newline to HTML (or not)
  • OS Integration: Default to “Anki Card” in system context menu vs “Card Browser”
  • Libanki: Add FileUpload API
  • Translations: Tagged screenshots on to help our translators
  • Stability: Fix rare crashes (down to ~50/day total w/1.8million installs!)
  • Performance: massive number of speedups
  • Dev: Massively sped up AnkiDroid builds and improved code readability
  • Totals: 345 code changes and hundreds of translations, made by volunteers, in 2 months
  • Full Changelog here