Unexpected error during Storage Migration

There was an error copying your media to a folder supported by Android R. Before the process started, your data was backed up to AnkiWeb and can be restored.

Before continuing, please:

  1. Take a backup of your collection (including scheduling + media) via Deck Picker -> Export collection

  2. Report the error to us: https://docs.ankidroid.org/help.html#_support

Restoring from AnkiWeb Backup

If you have reviewed a significant number of cards using AnkiDroid since the migration started, see: Modified Collection

  • Reinstall AnkiDroid
    • Do not keep app data on uninstall. (Ensure you have backed up, this will delete the AnkiDroid collection, media and backups from the AnkiDroid folder)
  • Open AnkiDroid, select “Sync from AnkiWeb”,
    • Log in and re-sync your collection
    • Syncing will be significantly faster than AnkiDroid 2.15
  • Once you are synced, you may delete the folder collection in /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid to save space.
  • Your collection is now located at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.ichi2.anki/files

Restoring a Modified Collection

Ensure that you have backed up your collection and media

  • Uninstall AnkiDroid
    • Do not keep app data. (This will delete the AnkiDroid collection, media and backups)
  • Reinstall AnkiDroid
  • Select Get Statred
  • Select Deck Picker -> Import
  • Import the backup which was created
  • Open a file browser and browse to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.ichi2.anki/files
  • Delete the collection.media folder and file: collection.media.ad.db2. Delete collection.media.ad.db2-journal if it exists.
  • Sync with AnkiWeb and your missing media will be downloaded

Personalised Help

If you require personalised help, please contact us using one of the following:

Manual Backups

  • Your migrated data exists at the folder listed in Settings -> Advanced -> AnkiDroid directory. This is typically: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.ichi2.anki/files
    • If you installed a parallel build, replace com.ichi2.anki with com.ichi2.anki.A
    • Some file managers will be unable to access this folder. You should be able to access this folder via USB.
    • Android will offer to delete this folder when AnkiDroid is uninstalled
  • Your non-migrated media and backups of your collection exist at /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid